Live health benefits

You often feel tired, don't eat well, don't sleep well or your body is not agile, with just a little exercise, became difficult to breathe... Those are the possible reasons why your body is not working well and is unhealthy. Consider whether your lifestyle is really healthy or not? Jesus and lion canvas

What is a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle has many definitions, however, you can understand. Strong cold living includes a suitable, healthy diet, regular exercise to improve resistance, a spirit that is always in a relaxed and happy state, and healthy life skills,...

Benefits of healthy living?

1. Helps prevent disease

Healthy habits can reduce your risk of various diseases, including those that can run in your family genetically. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fiber reduces the risk of heart disease, coronary artery disease, cancer, or the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

For example, exercising just 11 minutes a day can improve your health and prolong your life. In a 2020 study, researchers followed more than 44,000 adults. People who got 11 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day had a lower risk of death than those who exercised only 2 minutes. This comparison holds true even when people sit for 8.5 hours a day.

2. You will be happier

A healthy lifestyle helps reduce stress and anxiety, so your mood will also improve and you will feel happier and more interesting in life. Healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and yoga are things you should do every day to lead a healthy lifestyle. This will be the key to making you feel happier. Besides, you should also form other healthy habits such as going to bed early, drinking plenty of water, reducing fat and caffeine, and eating a variety of green vegetables, ...

3. Longevity

Basic healthy habits can be related to people's long life. If at age 50, you've never smoked, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, follow a healthy diet and drink alcohol in moderation, you could live up to 14 years. Making these few changes can extend your life.

4. You will look younger than your actual age

A healthy lifestyle also helps you look younger than your actual age. You will be full of energy through proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Cutting back on junk food can also have a positive effect on your skin and hair. A healthy lifestyle will help you have slower aging skin, and slower graying of hair… Therefore, you will look younger than your peers if they don't lead a healthy lifestyle.

5. Enhance sleep and increase energy levels

According to some studies, a reasonable night of rest determines your energy level for the next day, yet 35% of adults in the US do not get enough sleep each night (less than 7 hours). Not only in the US but almost with today's busy life, all adults tend to stay up later and sleep less than the recommended 8 hours per day. And the consequences of people not getting enough sleep are not only feeling depleted of energy throughout the day but also having a higher risk of chronic disease.

Sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle and can be improved through exercise and healthy eating. Regular physical activity helps you get deeper, longer, and better quality sleep. Just adding 10 minutes of aerobic exercise during the day will help you sleep better at night. People who exercise regularly also have a reduced risk of sleep disorders like insomnia, a growing problem these days.

6. Save money

Every year, you should go to the hospital for regular check-ups to see how your health is. This will especially help you detect "silent" diseases like high blood pressure early. This means that these diseases often don't have any symptoms, so when you get tested, you often don't know you have the disease.

It sounds funny, but the fact is, the healthier you are, the less likely you are to see a doctor. This can save you money by reducing medical bills, the need for prescriptions, and other treatments.

7. Improve memory

We live in an ever-evolving world, and when your livelihood depends on your ability to memorize information quickly, you can't let your mind slip. Whether you realize it or not, your healthy lifestyle actually has the potential to improve both your long- and short-term memory.

Harvard Medical School explains that memory is based on three distinct processes: encoding, recording, and retrieval. You receive information in the encryption phase, store the information in the writing phase, and then pull it from your memory banks during the retrieval phase.

Most memory loss is the result of a chemical imbalance that occurs when we turn 50. This imbalance interferes with the three processes to varying degrees. A healthy diet and exercise can help you slow and prevent this chemical imbalance and improve your cognitive function.

8. Bone and muscle density

When you exercise for just 180 minutes a week, you can have a huge impact on bone and muscle regeneration after injury. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that in a study group consisting of only women, two sessions of resistance training per week for a year not only prevented bone damage but also improved bone health. improve bone density.

9. More energy

Too simple if you think that the purpose of elbow training is to relieve fatigue or relieve emotions after a long day in the office chair. The fact that you exercise, or simply go for a walk in the park or join a yoga class will give you a lot of energy for the day. Because exercise stimulates the release of endorphins that not only make you feel better but also increase your energy levels.

Create healthy habits for yourself, and you will see noticeable changes. Your life will become much more beautiful. Therefore, from today, practice for yourself healthy habits to live a healthy life.


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