What does the Bible say about self-control?

El domain is the capacity that allows us to control ourselves, and our emotions and not have these control us, taking away the ability to choose what we want to feel in each moment. our carvings in life. … Feeling, we can define as a physical response to a thought.

What is self-control?

A self-controlled person does not act rashly. Instead, he restrained his words and actions so as not to displease God.

Jesus showed what self-control involves. The Bible says: “When he was insulted, he did not insult back. When he suffered, he did not threaten but gave himself up to the righteous judge” (1 Peter 2:23). When he was hung on a torture stake, Jesus displayed self-control despite the mockery of his opponents (Matthew 27:39-44). Before that, he also displayed admirable self-control when leaders tried to ensnare him in speech. Jesus also set a fine example when angry Jews stoned him. Instead of retaliating against them, he “walked away and left the temple.” -John 8:57-59.

Can we imitate Jesus? Yes, we can imitate him to some extent. The apostle Peter wrote: “Christ suffered for you and left an example, that you should follow closely in his footsteps” (1 Peter 2:21). Although we are imperfect, we can closely follow his example why is this so important?

Why is self-control essential?

To gain Jehovah's approval, we need to cultivate self-control. Even if we have served Jehovah faithfully for many years, we can still lose our friendship with him if we do not control our words and actions.

Consider the case of Moses, who was “the humblest of all who lived on earth” in his day (Numbers 12:3). After so many years of patiently listening to Israel's complaints, Moses lost control. He was angry when they complained again about the lack of drinking water. He grumbled to the people: “Listen, you rebels! Are you asking us to make water flow out of this cliff for you?” -Numbers 20:2-11.

Moses could not control himself. He did not attribute the glory to this miracle worker, Jehovah. (Psalm. 106:32, 33). As a result, he did not allow him to enter the Promised Land (Numbers 20:12). From then until his death, Moses must have regretted the loss of self-control.-Deuteronomy 3:23-27.

What is the lesson? Even after we have followed the truth for many years, we should never say disrespectful words to someone who upsets us or to someone in need of counsel (Ephesians 4:23; Corinthians 3:12). Perhaps the older we get, the more impatient we become. But remember the case of Moses. We never want to tarnish our reputation just by temporarily losing control. What can we do to cultivate this essential quality?

How to cultivate self-control?

  • Asking for the holy spirit: Because self-control is one aspect of the fruitage of the spirit, and Jehovah gives his spirit to those who ask. Through his holy spirit, he can give us the strength we need. He can also help us cultivate other aspects of the fruitage of the spirit, such as love, which gives us self-control.-1 Corinthians 13:5.

  • Avoid anything that makes self-control difficult: For example, we must avoid the web and entertainment with false content. In fact, we must avoid anything bad (Proverbs 22:3; 1 Corinthians 6:12). For example, a person who knows that he or she is easily tempted by unclean things should probably avoid any romantic books and movies.

We may find this advice difficult to apply. But if we do our best, Jehovah will give us the strength we need to develop self-control. (2 Peter 1:5-8). He will help us control our thoughts, words, and actions. Brother Paul and Brother Marco, mentioned at the outset, have learned to control their violent temper and even argue with others on the road. What did you do for self-control? “I fervently pray every day,” he said. I looked up articles on self-control and memorized helpful scriptures. Despite my efforts to maintain self-control for many years, every morning when I wake up, I tell myself that I must try to stay calm throughout the day. And I left the house earlier so I wouldn't be in a hurry."

If you can't practice self-control

Sometimes, we lose control. When that happens, we may feel so ashamed that we do not approach Jehovah in prayer. But this is the time when it is necessary to ask him for help. Therefore, pray to Jehovah immediately. ask his forgiveness, seek his help, and resolve not to do it again. (Psalm. 51:9-11). Jehovah never despises our sincere prayers. (Psalm. 102:17). The apostle John reminds us that the blood of the Son of God “cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7; 2:1; Psalm 86:5). Remember, Jehovah tells his earthly servants to forgive us generously.-Matthew 18:21, 22;  Corinthians  3:13.

Jehovah was not pleased when Moses lost control in the wilderness. Even so, he forgave him. and the Bible says that Moses was a man of outstanding faith (Deut 34:10; Hebrews 11:24-28). Jehovah gave him no prospect of living forever. We too can enjoy that prospect if we continue to strive to cultivate self-control, a quality so essential.-1 Corinthians 9:25.


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