Are you a happy person?

"Do you feel happy?" Probably will always be the question many of us ask. So are you really happy or not? Let's read the article below to find out if you are a happy person or not?

1. Always have a positive outlook

They know that there will always be situations that make them unhappy. Everyone has to endure suffering or injustice in life. Happy people understand that they will have more when they are ready to accept these unhappy days. 

2. Be grateful for what you have

This is also one of the characteristics of happy people. They are grateful for what they have, but that doesn't mean they don't have ambitions to improve their own lives. They simply focus on what they have, not on what they don't have.

Happy people are more likely to see assets as something that flows rather than something that needs to be stored and protected in their lives even with the fear of the epidemic affecting their pockets today. They are as happy to share with others as they are to receive. And even when they try to improve their lives, they are still completely satisfied and grateful for what they have.

3. Be happy with other people's success

We all know what it feels like to be jealous. If someone else gets something that you've always wanted or believe you deserve, your first thought will be "I want it too".

Happy people always know that success, love, and happiness are always enough for everyone. They know that jealousy only works to drown themselves and limit their relationships. Happy people are happy with other people's happiness without any pretense. They believe that success is contagious, goodwill towards others will return to them and success will find them.

4. Don't compare yourself to others

There is always a fine line between comparing yourself to others to measure your progress and comparing yourself to others. Happy people don't bother with keeping up with others, but observe the actions of others, deeming something of that person worth competing for. But they don't force themselves to have the same possessions, status, or success as others. The characteristics of happy people are comparisons to improve themselves, not to lose to others.

5. Take risks and face your fears

When Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt advised us to do the things we fear every day, she knew the secret to happiness. This indicates that the things that scare us and stress us out help us unleash our creativity, increase our productivity, and prepare us to handle life's changes and adversities.

6. Know how to forgive

This is also one of the characteristics of happy people. Happiness is an emotion that makes us feel light and enhances life. Your life will not be enhanced if you are weighed down by hatred, the daily nagging of past hurts. Happy people choose forgiveness as part of their happiness, a way to free them from negativity.


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