If you feel anxious or stressed, then you are not alone! Because He is always with us, His purpose for our lives. Often, we worry about things and problems that can be solved simply with prayer. Here are scriptures that remind you that you are not alone in your life of struggle and that God is by your side and has a quiet life arrangement for you.

Most Christians agree that God is involved in our lives to some extent. Some consider God to be quite remote. They believe that God created the world and that, besides occasional visits and revelations, He allows it to run its course. These people assume that what happens in our lives, depends on us. Others see God as more actively involved, providential leading people along the way of life He has divinely determined.

The Bible affirms that God actively intervenes in our lives, through the exercise of sovereignty to accomplish His purposes. Paul writes, “In him also were we made partakers of an inheritance, just as it was predestined for us, according to the commandment of Him who does all things according to the right will” (Ephesians 5:6). - Numbers 1:11). The word “foreordained” means that God has “drawn boundaries” for our lives. Every opportunity and circumstance is under God's control. God is the One who “closely links/directs” history, working through natural, human means to accomplish His purposes.

God's involvement in man's life is evident in Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a season for everything and a time for everything under heaven." Verses 2-8 show that there is a time according to the will of the Lord, for all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:8). 28). Again, note the phrase "everything". To what extent is God involved in our experience? Based on the Bible, we can know that God is completely involved in our lives. There is nothing in our lives that is not determined by God's mighty decree.

This doctrinal affirmation raises another question: If God has absolute sovereignty over us, shouldn't He be responsible for our sins and mistakes? No, for God's sovereignty never negates the responsibility man bears for his deeds. A good example of this is found in the event of Christ's crucifixion. Peter said that Jesus was betrayed and crucified by “God's appointed purpose” (Acts 2:23, see Luke 22:22, Acts 4:28). But He also rebuked the ungodly for their actions, for which He was brought to the cross “the God of Abraham . . . has glorified his servant Jesus, who which you arrested and denied before Pilate, while he intended to release him” (3:13-14).

Biblical teachings about God's sovereignty and man's responsibility must be carefully balanced. In His absolute sovereignty, God predestined all that would happen. But God's sovereignty does not remove man's responsibility for his deeds. The sins and mistakes that take place in our lives are our own choices. God who is perfect and holy. In Him, there is nothing to be blamed for.


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