Real-life dreamers

Have you ever wondered if you yourself are a dreamer? And is it good or bad for you to be a dreamer? Let's find out with me through this article. 

What is a dreamer?

Dreamers are the type of dreamers who talk about desires and the possibility of achieving more than they already have. They built a good future, lots of inspiration, and lots of fans by… words. However, it all stops there. fruits of the spirit wall art

Therefore, unless you really take action, embark on the implementation of the goals set out, you will never be able to pursue your dream if you continue… to dream. 

Why is daydreaming beneficial?

Einstein once famously said, “Knowledge is finite. The human imagination is infinite and covers the whole world.” Indeed, human history has witnessed and recorded great works and discoveries, far beyond the understanding and knowledge of the times. This is the most obvious benefit of daydreaming.

The modern world has evolved at a fast pace, with information and ideas flooding all around us. In addition, many of us now have to work from home, and the line between work and rest is increasingly blurred. This 24/7 reel can be exhausting or tiring. So daydreaming is a proven method to decompress and relax your brain from constant stimuli.

The main benefit of daydreaming is creativity. There is a scientific link between daydreaming and increased creativity beyond creative input. Daydreaming has been shown to improve problem solving for non-creative tasks. This works by creating new thoughts and pathways in your brain. Jesus and lion canvas

Research is divided on the idea that intentional daydreaming is more effective than unintentional daydreaming. While multitasking and becoming distracted by daydreaming are linked, there is also a positive association between creativity and controlled thinking.

This type of daydreaming or purposeful thinking can allow you to suppress habitual associations and think deeply about an issue. While this way of thinking may not necessarily promote creativity, it can be helpful in the creative process.

The two styles of daydreaming seem to contradict each other. However, it is essential to understand how intentional and unintentional daydreaming play a role in the broader scheme of creation. Creativity can be viewed as a complex set of processes interwoven with different forms of thinking. Including:


Analytical problem solving

Selective encryption

Information restructuring

Unfortunately, the brain processes used to daydream and create are extremely complex and are still being researched. There is no way to conclude whether intentional or unintentional daydreaming is more effective in promoting creativity. However, combining both forms of daydreaming is useful in that both provide unique ways of thinking. As such, both contribute to accessibility to insights, clarity of creation, or otherwise.


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